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Easy Backup and Restore with Backuply in WordPress

All-in-one solution for Backup, Restore and Migration.

Easy Backup and Restore with Backuply in WordPress

The secret to building a successful, secure WordPress website is a strong backup plugin. The greatest thing one can do to keep a website secure is to make frequent backups. The website needs to be continually safeguarded against security risks, server issues, hacking, etc.

WordPress is predicted to be one of the most used CMS as per multiple research articles and is believed to be used by 810 million websites by 2023, approximately 43% of all websites.

Even with all the precautions taken to secure the website, backups remain a vital part of the approach. Using Backuply, users can rest certain that their data is safe and always available for restoration in case of an emergency.

The Backuply plugin lets you generate full backups of your website with a single click, which you can then restore to the same or another WordPress website.

What is Backuply?

Backuply is a WordPress backup plugin that makes it simple for website owners to create backups of their website's files and database. The backup and restore procedure is made simpler by this plugin, which also offers other customization options, such as backup frequency and backup location.

One may transmit backups using Backuply to online storage services like Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Google Drive. The plugin is user-friendly, lightweight, and compatible with the majority of web hosting companies.

Why Should One Use Backuply?

Backing up the website is important for several reasons. Here are some of the main benefits of using Backuply:

1. Protection against data loss

Websites are vulnerable to hacking, server crashes, and human errors. If your website is not backed up regularly, you could lose valuable data that could be difficult, if not impossible, to restore.

2. Quick restoration

In case of a disaster, you can easily restore your website to its previous state with Backuply. This saves you time and effort and ensures that your website is up and running quickly.

3. Peace of mind

Knowing that your website is backed up regularly gives you peace of mind. One can focus on creating content and growing your website, knowing that your data is safe.

How to Install Backuply in WordPress

Installing Backuply is simple and straightforward. Here's how to do it:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for Backuply in the search bar.
  • Click Install Now.
  • Click Activate.
  • You will see a new menu item called Backuply in your dashboard.
Install Backuply on WordPress

How to Use Backuply

Using Backuply is straightforward. Here are the steps for creating a backup of your website:

  • Go to Backuply > Settings.
  • Set the backup frequency. You can choose to back up your website daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Select the backup location. You can choose to store your backups locally or send them to remote storage locations such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Google Drive.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • Go to Backuply > Dashboard.
  • Select the options you want to backup and then click Create Backup.
  • Wait for the backup process to complete.
  • You will receive a notification when the backup is complete.

How to Restore WordPress Website

In case of a disaster, restoring your website is quick and easy with Backuply. Here are the steps to restore your website:

  • Go to Backuply > Backup History Tab.
  • Select the backup you want to restore.
  • Click Restore.
  • Wait for the restore process to complete.
  • One shall receive notification when the restore is completed.
Backuply Backup History Tab

Customizing Backuply

Backuply offers several customization options to help one create a WordPress backup solution that works for the website. The following are some of the customization choices:

  • Backup frequency: One can choose to back up the website daily, weekly, or monthly. One is free to decide the time of day when the backup needs to be  created.
  • Backup Rotation: User can decide how many auto backups they want to keep.
  • Backup location: User can decide to store the backups in a remote location  such as Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Google Drive or on their system locally.
  • Excludes: User can exclude a file folder or add a pattern to match, so those files or folders wont be included in the backup.
  • Additional Files: User can select any additional file to backup that is present at the root of the installation
Backuply Backup Customizations


It's essential to back up the website to prevent data loss and to guarantee that you can simply and rapidly restore it in the event of a disaster. The website can be backed up and restored quickly and easily using Backuply.

One may save the backups locally or in other remote storage places with the help of this lightweight, user-friendly plugin, which also provides a number of customization options.

If you want to know more about Backuply for backing up your WordPress website, its price starts at $39 for one year, per user. You can give Backuply a try check out our free version.

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