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Backuply 1.1.3 Launched: Backuply Cloud

All-in-one solution for Backup, Restore and Migration.

Backuply 1.1.3 Launched: Backuply Cloud

We are excited to announce the launch of Backuply version 1.1.3, a major release that comes with a number of new features and improvements. One of the biggest new features is Backuply Cloud, which is a storage option provided by Backuply to keep your website secure with a easy to use storage.

Other than Backuply cloud we have some improvements and bug fixes

  • [Feature] Now use Backuply Cloud as your storage and let us keep your website safe. No need to configure anything. Just one click and your backups are all set !
  • [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with Gdrive, backup was getting stuck.
  • [Bug-Fix] A user faced a fatal error while listing backups that has been fixed.
  • [Bug-Fix] There was an issue because a deprecated function was being used, that has been fixed.

Backuply Cloud

Backuply Cloud is a easy to integrate and a safe storage option. It is available for free trial of 30 days for every user.

Existing Backuply Pro users will receive an additional 1 GB, 10 GB, and 50 GB of storage for their Personal, Professional, and Business plans, respectively. This additional storage will be available based on Pro-rata bases, that is the validity of the storage will be same a the validity of License, irrespective of when additional storage was bought for a particular license.

Adding Backuply Cloud Location

Adding Backuply cloud is similar to adding any other location, and even simpler.

Backuply Cloud adding location

If you are adding Backuply Cloud for first time then you don't need to do much,

  • Go to Backup Locations tab
  • Click on a Add Backup location and a pop-up will appear.
  • In that pop-up in Protocol field select Backuply Cloud, and then just click on Add Backup location in the pop-up.
  • And Backuply Cloud will be added for your location. It's that simple.
Setting Backuply Cloud as Protocol

You can find more information on how to use Backuply Cloud on the Backuply docs

Storage Pricing

Pro users who purchase the Backuply Pro plan will receive a certain amount of storage space. If you need more storage, you can purchase additional storage at any time. The validity of your storage plan is the same as the validity of your license. This means that your storage space will be prorated if your license expires early.

And if you don't want to buy Backuply Pro version and still want to use Backuply Cloud storage option you can get the Backuply Cloud Plan

Cost of our data starts at $4.5/GB/year which reduces to $1.7/GB/year if you buy more than 50GB of storage.

Backuply Cloud Plan

Along with the option to buy storage, we have added a new plan called Backuply Cloud. This plan is for those who want to use Backuply Cloud and want automatic backups too. With this plan, you get 1GB of storage, automatic backups, and backup rotation included for just $18/year.

Backuply Cloud Trial

If you are not sure if you would like to go for Backuply cloud or not, you can give it a try, we are giving our users a trial period of 30 Days, and 1GB of data. 

Get Backuply Cloud Trial

All you need to do it click on the Try Now Button. and a pop-up will open up.

  • If you are free users you can click Create Trial license and you will be redirected to create a trial license account.
  • All you need to do is enter your email and verify that email and your trial license will be generated. And then you can use 1GB of data for next 30 Days.
Backuply Cloud trial registration

We are working around the clock to add more and more features. Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to

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